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Sell Your House Amarillo | Happy New Year! | 806-359-7653

Well 2012 has come and gone.  We hope that it was a good year for you and your family.  We encourage you to take the time to look ahead at the year to come.  Ignore all of the distractions and focus on what is important to you.  2013 will only come around once.  Make it count!

If you need to sell your house in Amarillo give us a call.  We are ramping up our advertising and we plan on buying more houses than ever.  That means we need your business.  This is a great time to sell your house!

We can close fast, pay all of the closing costs, and we take the house as is.  But best of all, we are VERY easy to deal with.  We don’t believe in high pressure of fancy sales tactics.  We just make you a fair offer and then let you decide if it is right for you!  So give us a call if you need to sell your house.  Call 806-359-7653 or visit us online at Sell Your House Amarillo

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