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Archive for September, 2015

Mitchell Property Group | Do You Need Help With Real Estate?

Thursday, September 3rd, 2015

Wade and Emmy Mitchell, Mitchell Property Group

How can we help you? Do you have a Real Estate problem that you need help with? Maybe you don’t need to sell but you have a different kind of problem? Here are some common questions that we get:
1. Who is a good real estate attorney?
2. Do I need to probate this will or is there another way that is cheaper?
3. How to I write a contract to sell my house to my friend?
4. Should I sell my house or rent it out?
5. Should I make improvements or sell my house as is?
6. How do I sell my house on my own?
7. Should I sell my house to an investor or list with a Realtor?
We don’t mind helping you with any question that you may have. We have been in business for a long time and we have seen all sorts of unusual situations. If we don’t know that answer we probably know of someone who does! Give us a call at 806-359-7653 or visit us online at Mitchell Property Group


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