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Archive for June, 2012

Real Estate Investors Amarillo TX 806-359-7653

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012

Every month I get calls from homeowners who tried working with a brand new Real Estate investor.  This investor made a lot of promises but in the end the deal didn’t close. As you can imagine this creates a big problem for the homeowner.  That is when they call me looking for help.

Since many investors can’t get loans to buy houses they just try to make a quick buck by selling the house before they buy it. They just want to be the middle man.  They do not have the ability nor the  intentions of closing on the houses they put under contract.  It sounds crazy but it actually happens.  This is called an assignment of contract.  In a nutshell, one person gets a house under contract and then sells the contact to another investor.

I can tell you right now that you don’t want to be in the middle of a deal like that.  You can end up dealing  with a person who is not able to buy your house.  They put up very little earnest money (or non at all) and are willing to walk away if they can’t find another investor to sell it to.

So how do you know which company to work with?  You have got to make sure that you are selling your house to an established, reputable company.  You need to make sure that they have the funds available to close and that they do indeed plan to close on the house themselves.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

1.  Deal only with local companies.  This makes checking up on a company much easier.  I personally would never deal with someone who wasn’t local.

2.  Ask for and call references.  A good company should have plenty of satisfied customers.  I can give you a list of references a mile long.

3.  Check with the Better Business Bureau.  Just because someone has a ‘we buy Amarillo houses’ ad doesn’t mean that they are a real company.

4.  Insist on using a local title company.

5.  Meet the person face to face if possible.  There are too many scams out there.  Meeting face to face makes it much harder to be scammed.

6. Ask lots of questions.  Don’t take anything for granted.

7.  Have a local attorney review the contract if anything looks suspicious.

8.  Don’t work with anyone who wants to put a sign in your yard and sell your house to someone else.  That is just ridiculous.  If you were going to do that you should have just called a Realtor!

It is important to remember that not all Real Estate Investors are bad.  When we write a contract on a house, we intend on closing that deal.  We have the funds available to buy it.  Sometimes we even advise people to do something besides selling us their house.  We have to live and work here in this community with the same people we help.  We are very much a local company.  People can stop by our office for a cup of coffee anytime.  But the bottom line is that our deals close on time.  We do what we say we’ll do. That’s why we are still in business.  We can give you dozens of references.

If you have a house to sell in Amarillo or Canyon,  give us a call.  We would be happy to make you an offer.  You can call us at 806-359-7653. You can also visit us online at Amarillo Real Estate Investors.

We Buy Amarillo Houses. Call 806-359-7653.

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

Although the Real Estate market in Amarillo is not as good as it used to be it had definitely improved!  Houses are selling and banks are loaning money.  That is great news for Amarillo home owners.  But what if your house is not in good condition?  What if your house needs work?

It is important to remember that there are still a lot of houses on the market for sale.  It is also worth noting that the houses that are selling are the ones that are in good condition.  Buyers are still picky and usually have FHA financing which requires that the house be in good condition to be sold.  There are also a lot of bank foreclosures for sale right now.  So if your house needs work it has a lot of competition.  Fixer-uppers are still a tough sale.

If you have a house that needs a lot of work and you would like to sell quickly you should call us.  We buy pretty houses.  We buy just about every kind of house you can think of!  Here is what we offer.

  1. We pay cash so we can close whenever you want.  You are in complete control of the closing date.  There are no banks to complicate the transaction.
  2. We take the house as is.  You don’t have to fix or clean anything.
  3. We pay all of the closing costs.  Most people don’t realize how much the closing costs on a typical transaction can add up to!
  4. We take care of all the paperwork and handle all of the details.  All you need to do is focus on your next move and then come sign and pick up your check.  We make it very easy.

Often people tell us that the biggest benefit we offer is the peace of mind that comes with knowing that their house will be sold, without a doubt, on a certain date.  No if’s, and’s, or but’s!  Sometimes life can throw you a curve ball.  You get transferred with your job or you fall behind on your payments and want to avoid foreclosure.  Those are the times when you need to know for sure that you can count on your house being sold.  That is perhaps the worst thing about working with a traditional buyer.  So many times a buyer’s financing will fall through at the last minute.  Sometimes they just change their mind and back out.  We are not that way.  We close on time, every time.

So if you have a house in Amarillo or Canyon that you need to sell, stop what you are doing and call me.  My web guy tells me that I need to also tell you to send me an e-mail or to visit my website at We Buy Amarillo Houses so I’m telling you to do that.  But it’s just way better to pick up the phone and call me.  I’m a nice guy and I won’t try to force you to take my offer.  I can probably give you some ideas that you haven’t thought about, even if I can’t buy your house.  You can call me at 806-359-SOLD (7653) or toll free at 1-866-554-SOLD(7653).

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