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Archive for October, 2010

Sell your Amarillo House FAST! | We can help you!

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

Have you heard how long it takes to sell a house with a Realtor these days?  Some reports show 6 months… And that’s if your house is in good condition!  6 months of showings to picky unqualified buyers. 


If that doesn’t sound fun, give us a call.  We specialize in buying houses that need to be sold quickly, or that need work, or both.  We pay cash, close whenever you want, and pay the closing costs. 


When you compare our offer with what you actually walk away from the closing table using a Realtor you will be shocked.  If your house is in perfect condition, you want top dollar, and you don’t mind waiting for months then a Realtor will work fine.  If not, sell it to us, don’t list it!


Call us today and find out what other options you have.  Even if we don’t buy your house we can still give you some helpful ideas.

Call 806-359-SOLD (7653) today!  Or you can visit us online at sell my amarillo house.

Sell Your Amarillo House | We need more houses to buy!

Monday, October 25th, 2010

If you need to sell your house in Amarillo or Canyon give us a call.  We are a local husband and wife team looking to buy houses in Amarillo and Canyon.  We can close on your house in as little as 3 days if you need us to. We are members of the Better Business Bureau. Here is what we offer:


  1.  We are super easy to work with! We make sure you understand all of your options.
  2. We pay cash!  You don’t have to worry about long drawn-out bank approvals.
  3. We close whenever you want! You are in complete control.
  4. We buy property in its as is condition. You don’t have to fix anything or clean anything!
  5. We don’t put a sign in your yard and try to sell your house to other buyers. WE BUY IT!


If you badly need to sell your house give us a call today at 806-359-SOLD (7653).  You can also visit us online and fill out a confidential request for us to bid on your house.  Sell Your Amarillo House

Sell Amarillo House | Has our market slowed down?

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

I was just setting here thinking about the Amarillo Real Estate market and business and life in general.   It occurred to me that our phones have been ringing a lot more than usual lately.  I was wondering why and this is what I came up with.  I can’t prove that these are accurate but I bet that they are.

  1.  The Amarillo Real Estate market has slowed down a little bit.  Now I’m not saying that it is time to panic, and I wouldn’t believe what the news media says, but I do think that things have slowed down.  If you need to sell your house you just need to plan on it taking longer.  Part of that has to do with the time of year.  School has started and the summer boom is over.  It will get even slower as we approach the holidays.  The end of the home buyer tax credit is another reason that things have slowed down.  The home buyer tax credit really did help our Amarillo market as well as the rest of the country.  Those were the good old days…  It is not really that a house won’t sell, because it will, it is just that it is taking longer and selling for less.  It has to be in better condition and marketed properly.  Finally, I think a lot of people are still on the fence.  Maybe they want to see what the economy is going to do.  Whatever the reason, they aren’t ready to pull the trigger and buy a home.


  1. People are tired of using Realtors.  You can have the best Realtor in the world but they still can’t guarantee that your house will get sold.  Realtors charge around 6% for their services.  They do a good job for the most part but it just takes them several months to get your house sold.  Sometimes it is because they are not marketing the property correctly or following up on showings, but other times it has nothing to do with the Realtor.  When you use a Realtor you can count on multiple showings.  Some people don’t want to keep their house neat and clean and be ready to show it with very little notice.  They also don’t want to make expensive repairs.  Most Realtors will want you to make repairs before they take on the listing.  For some people this is just not an option.   They need to sell their house much faster.


  1. People can’t afford their property.  This may be the number one reason that people need to sell their house.  Many people have no idea just how expensive it can be to own a home.  First you have your house payment, then property taxes (which are just about due), and then you have insurance.  These are the big three.  But don’t forget about maintenance!  It just flat out costs a lot of money to keep a house up and running.  Things break and need to be repaired.  All of these things add up.  I have talked to people before who decided to list with a Realtor instead of taking my offer.  Six months later they called me and told me that they finally got their house sold, but that after they paid their Realtor and paid their closing costs and made the repairs that they didn’t come out as well as they had hoped.  When they factor in 6 months of holding costs it is obvious that they would have been better off taking my offer and getting their money 6 months earlier. 


So the bottom line is this… our market is like the old gray mare… she ain’t what she used to be!  It is not as bad as it could be, all things considered, but it still isn’t great.  If you have a house that you need to sell quickly give me a call.  I can make you an offer the same day.  If you decide to accept my offer I can close whenever you want.  I pay all of the closing costs and handle all of the details.  I don’t ever require you to fix or clean anything!  You just sign and pick up your check and move on with your life.  If you are looking for a home buyer in Amarillo TX, I am your guy!  If you are even half way thinking about selling your home give me a call today at 806-359-SOLD (7653).  You can also get more information by visiting my website.  Sell My Amarillo House.

Amarillo TX Real Estate Market. How long does it take to sell a house in Amarillo TX?

Friday, October 1st, 2010

I try to keep a close eye on our real estate market.  As a Real Estate Investor, I have to make sure that I know what houses are worth and how long it takes them to sell, which is just as important. 

When someone calls me to sell their house I like to give them options.  I not only give them a cash offer which I can close in just a few days, I also try to let them know about what their house would bring if they were to list it with a Realtor.  Then they can make a good choice based on the facts. 

It is usually pretty easy to tell someone how much their house is worth.  There are comparable market sales that help me determine that.  The harder question to answer is how long will it take to get the house sold. 

Right now in Amarillo it takes anywhere from 4 to 7 months to sell a house priced $200,000 or less.  You can figure that out by looking at the Months of Inventory in the chart below.  For example, look at the $70,000-$89,999 price range.  There is a 6.3 month supply of inventory.  What this means is that if there were no new listings that came on the market it would take 6.3 months for all of the current listings to be sold.  It is also a rough indication of how long it will take a house in that price range to sell.  It is not an exact science but it is pretty dang close. 





Active Listings





Price Class





$69,999 and Under











































































$1,000,000 and Up





















But remember, this is just a guide.  There are still free market forces at work.  If you have a very nice house that doesn’t need any work and you price it too cheap it will sell sooner.  If you price it too high and it needs a lot of work it will sell much later, if it sells at all.  There are houses all over Amarillo that have been on the market for a year or longer.  Many of these houses are not in good enough condition to be sold with a Realtor. 

In the end it really all boils down to condition and price.  If you price your house correctly you can expect it to sell in about 4-7 months if you use a Realtor.  Of course you will have to pay a Realtor fee of about 6%, plus you own closing costs of about 1%, plus buyer closing costs of 3-6%, and make any necessary repairs.  For some people it is better to take my offer and close the same week.  For others it is better to wait it out and use a Realtor. 

I can tell you this much, regardless of what the charts show, it has gotten much more difficult to sell a house in Amarillo.  Banks are looking for reasons not to make loans.  Buyers are expecting to find bargains and negotiate harder than ever.  They also hire inspectors and expect you to make a lot of repairs.  There just also seems to be more competition than ever.  Every month more and more foreclosed HUD houses come on the market that can be purchased for a discount.  This is stiff competition for you if the house you are selling needs work.

So how long will it take you to sell your house on your own or with a Realtor?  I would say pretty close to 4-7 months if you price it correctly and it is in sellable condition.   It may take longer or it may be sooner.  If you would rather have your money this week then let me make you an offer.  When you compare my offer with the amount that you would actually net if you used a Realtor, you will be very surprised.  If you want more information call me today at 806-359-7653.  Or you can check out our website at Sell My Amarillo House


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